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Z Nikon Z8 Autofokus auf Augen Test/Vergleiche


Hier gibt es sehr ausführliche Tests zu den Stärken, Schwächen und Stolpersteinen des Autofokussierens auf menschliche Augen:

More Z8 eye AF discussion and comparisons​

Continuing with the observations from this thread, this morning I tested the Canon R3 with my mannequin eye AF tests. Here are all three cameras tested - Nikon Z8, Sony A7rIV, and Canon R3.
The R3 identifies eyes in very oblique angles like the Z8 but unlike the Z8 at those angles, the R3 focuses on them correctly. Also handles close distances without issue. The R3 seems like a much more robust and mature eye AF solution vs the other two cameras tested - quite sticky on the eye.

Die Ausgangsbasis war:

Z8 Subject Detection Inaccurate in Low (but not that low) light​

Basically, I have found the AF system of the Z8 (and presumably Z9) is pretty good even in low light unless you use subject detection, in which case it's awful. Now a lot of people have just reported having poor success in general with AF in low light, but after a lot of experimenting I am convinced it's not the AF but specifically the subject detection.

I think it's worth praising the users posting in these two threads here for largely approaching things in a spirit of constructivity. There is another instance of the discussion on another forum where most people are simply flaming anyone who seems interested in considering the possibility that there is actually a problem with how the system is focusing in some circumstances.
Oben Unten